A1. Bringing the UCH to Life (Alison James) |
A2. History of Maritime Archaeology (Lauren Tidbury) |
A3. Sustainable Tourism (José Bettencourt) |
A4. Maritime Collections (Corioli Souter) |
B1. Australian Way of Integrating the Public (Andrew Viduka) |
B2. Maritime Heritage Societies (Markku Luoto)6 |
C1. UCH in the UN Ocean Decade (Georgia Holly) |
D1. Underwater Landscapes of the Ancient Meditterranean (Mari Yamasaki) |
D2. Coastal Maritime Landscapes (Soetkin Vervust) |
D3. Submerged Prehistoric Landscapes in the Face of Development (Simon Fitch) |
D4. The Double Narrative of Man and Water - Approaches and Perspectives (Martina Seifert) |
D5. Prehistoric Human Landscapes are Hidden in Rivers, Lakes, and the Sea - Considering the Seemingly Impossible Possible and Finding Interdisciplinary Explanatory Models (Harald Lübke) |
E1. River versus Climate Change (Marion Foucher) |
E2. River and Inland Water Archaeology: Exploring submerged and Watercourse-Linked Cultural Heritage (Cécile Ansieau) |
F1. Intertidal Cultural Heritage (Jan Trachet) |
F2. Fish Weirs (Paul Montgomery) |
G1. Caulking and Luting (Kristof Haneca) |
G2. The Lost Navy (Patrik Höglund) |
G3. Trying not to Sink (Thierry Boyer) |
G4. Archaeology and History of Medieval and Early Modern Cargo Ships in the Baltic Sea (Riikka Tevali) |
G5. Water Supply Points in the Maritime Trade in the Age of Sail in the Mediterranean Sea and Beyond (Manuel Fumás Soldevilla) |
G6. Ship Iconography from Prehistory to Modern Times (Zaraza Friedman & Stefanos Spanos) |
H1. Maritime Archaeology of the Arab World (Lucy Semaan) |
H2. Asian Underwater Archaeology (Sarah Ward) |
H3. Early Watercraft, Traditional Navigation Practices, and Indigenous Maritime Landscapes in the Americas (Elena Saccone) |
I1. From Local to Global (Sarah Ward) |
J1. Toxic Legacies (Matthew Skelhorn) |
J2. Maritime Heritage in the Service of Environmental Action (Katerina Velentza) |
J3. Offshore Renewables and Maritime Archaeology (Mark James) |
K1. 3D Modelling (Johan Opdebeeck) |
K2. Deep Sea Archaeology (Carlos del Cairo Hurtado) |
K3. Digital Reconstruction of Shipwrecks (Nathan Helfman) |
L1. UCH Management in World Heritage Sites (Arturo da Silva) |
L2. Underwater and Maritime Heritage Management (Pedro Barros) |
L3. Heritage Crime (Alison James) |
M1. Inventorying UCH: An Old Challenge (Anais Dimeglio) |
N1. Scientific Contribution of Archeology in the Context of Territorial Planning in the Maritime Sector: Results, Methods and News (Nicolas Bigourdan) |
O1. Preserving of UCH (Jordy Moies) |
P1. Make the 2001 Convention Universal to Address Current Challenges and Emergency Situations (Edouard Planche) |